Opening Sequence

Pre-lim Task

Sunday 13 March 2011

Research into Various Images

Other things I analysed were various images of domestic abuse, and violence. I chose to research into these as they were the main themes in our opening sequence. Therefore we needed to make sure that the audience knew they were the main themes in our opening sequence. I connoted that in most of the domestic violence images it was always the female that was getting hurt and never the male. This showed a stereotype of couples by only representing the women as vulnerable.  

Research into Newspaper Headlines

I analysed various newspaper headings saying things such as ‘Teens break free from dating abuse’ and ‘Murdered as her little boy watched’. The headlines were basic and got straight to the point of the story. As we were using headlines in our opening sequence I thought they would be a good thing to research into to see the types of wording they contained to make ours seem as real as possible. They were usually one sentence headlines that included a very brief description of the story. This therefore grabbed the audience’s attention and enticed them into the story.
We therefore thought we’d do the same and use headlines to give the audience brief descriptions of the narrative to lure them into wanting to watch the rest of the film.

Research Thriller Film Posters

When researching into the thriller genre some of the things I analysed were previous film posters. I connoted that a common element which most of the posters possessed were using the colour red. This was mainly used in the title of the film or on other pieces of writing for example release date etc. The colour red is denoted to represent violence, anger, death and also romance. This therefore suits our film as we have a hybrid which includes violence, anger, death and also romance. We therefore thought that we’d include this in our opening sequence. We used it on the images, on some elements of the costume and on the lighting.
Also, other times when red is used is when blood is shown on the poster. This states the obvious that the film is likely to be a thriller and therefore brings in its targeted audience.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Opening Sequence Analysis - Thrillers

One opening sequence of films with the genre of thrillers I analysed was Inception. I thought this would be a good film to analyse due to its pshycological elements as well as the thriller element. In this film the characters minds are played with to an extent where they dont know whether theyre dreaming or not. This is similar to our narrative as the character Jonathan sets up a room which shows the character has serious pshycological problems.

Also, the soundtrack to this film is very a very mysterious sound which causes the audience to be on the edge of their seat at all times and be left in suspense. Therefore we thought to do something similar to this and also keep our soundtrack very mysterious and tense.

AS Opening Sequence Inspiration

One of the most significant opening sequences my group analysed was 'Momento'. We all agreed that we liked all of the elements it contained. For example, the only way in which the characters are introduced to the audience in the film is through pictures of them. We thought this would be a good idea for us to do as we were trying to leave the audience in suspense and wanting to watch on to find out more. Therefore by only briefly showing them to the audience they would be left challenging their minds wondering who these characters are and what their role is in the narrative.

Another element we liked was the non diegetic sound of characters speaking from the past. Again, this added to the element of suspense as we were not able to see the actions of these charcters but we were ony able to hear them.

We therefore incooperated these ideas into our opening sequence as we too did the same and introduced the charcters through pictures and also had non diegetic sound from the past.

Thursday 3 March 2011


Create your own video slideshow at

I chose to use these images as I thought they represented our narrative very well. They showed the romance aspect in the film and also the stage of pregnancy and the domestic violence stage. I think this will give our audience a good idea on what our film will be about and intise them to want to watch it.

Character Profile - Nicholas

  • 20 Years Old
  • Been in loads of relationships
  • Aggressive
  •  Violent
  • Sweet talker/ smooth
  • Athletic
  • Wealthy
  • Sly

This a clear representation of the character Nicholas. He is depicted as a sterotypical thug because of his costume, facial expression and the steroetype that most thugs are of a black ethnicity.