Opening Sequence

Pre-lim Task

Thursday 3 March 2011

Character Profile - Jonathan

  • Over Protective
  • Easily Jealous
  • Incredible strength
  • Hatred for all of Sarah's previous Boyfriends
  • Sadistic
  • Reckless
  • Relentless
This is a clear representation of the character Jonathan. Jonathan loves and devotes his life to his daughter as we can see he has his arm around her. After the death of his wife he swore to protect his daughter. However, Sarah is unaware of Jonathan's childhood, and what actually drove him to become so twisted an over-protective when it came to males that tried to enter her life. He appears like a normal big stocky man, but possess incredible strength and willpower. Since the death of his wife, he has found it hard to have another relationship, and believes his daughter is the most important woman in his life.

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