Opening Sequence

Pre-lim Task

Thursday 3 March 2011

Opening Sequence Evaluation Q4

Q4. Who would be the audience of your product?

We aimed to target our film at a wide variety of audience. This was so that if our film was to completely be produced it would make enough profit and it would also make it memorable. The ideal profile (primary audience) of our target audience would be males aged between 15–30. Their main interests would be things such as football, socialising with friends, being involved in relationships, interested in money and money making (for example jobs.). Ideally they would be interested in the genres of thriller and action. The main ethnicity of our audience would be Black-British and White-British. Our film is likely to attract the Black-British background as the main character is Black-British himself. This would make the audience fell more comfortable with him and maybe even in some cases feel a bond or relationship with him. Also, it is likely to attract a White-British background is the UK is originally White-British. Therefore the film would appeal to them as it has been produced in their home country. It would also mean that people of a White-British background may feel that they can associate and understand the film as for one reason the film is set in their home country and two because the main character is of a different ethnicity. This may make the community feel closer to one and other and realise that people are similar in many ways. Perhaps even in some cases create bonds.

The demographics we needed to take in consideration of our targeted audience include factors such as the social class of our audience, their income and their region. The social class we are likely to attract would be students and the working class. This is because the film is about a typical teenage boy who comes from a working class family. It would mean that he may be similar to some working class people today who are interested in perhaps his roots, his upbringing or even his working life. The film would be likely to attract students as it is about two young teenagers which students would be able to relate to and feel comfortable with.

The average income of which our targeted audience would be likely to earn may be between £18,000 - £32,000 per year. This is because this figure would be a similar amount to what our main character would be earning. Also, this amount is typical of a working class person to earn. Their region is most likely to be in central areas in regions of Europe. For example, London in the UK would be a popular area for most of our target audience, as well as places such as Scotland, New York, LA, and Paris etc. This is because films are more likely to be most popular in these areas as these areas attract tourists as well as being the most populated parts of cities. Therefore by targeting these areas more than others will attract more of our targeted audience. These areas may be targeted by posters, adverts, premiers etc.

Also, the psychographics we needed to take into account were factors such as personality, lifestyle, types of assets, labels, jobs, etc. The personality that our targeted audience would ideally have would be something along the lines of having characteristics such as humour, strong emotions on certain topics, enjoys playing sports, likes being involved in a relationship and is easy to get along with. Their lifestyle would ideally be revolved around expensive things, for example lavish cars and clothes. This would be a good quality for our target audience to have as it is very similar to Nicholas who is the main character in our film. He himself is interested in living ‘lavishly’ and is use to having expensive things for example his BMW X5. It would therefore be ideal if our target audience possessed similar assets, interests and live similar lifestyles. This enables them to feel more connected to the character as they are similar to him and perhaps may feel closer to him. Our target audience would have a high paid job in which they are likely to attend daily on weekdays. Thus giving them more money meaning more expensive items and assets. Our target audience are likely to watch this film in on weekday evenings or during the day at weekends. This is because they will be busy during weekdays at work.

Our primary audience would be, again males aged 15-30, with a high paid jobs and sporty interests and expensive assets. They are going to be audience who are interested in the actors who star in the film and the director that produced it. They will also be interested in the production companies as they are the reason as to why the film has been produced in the first place. This is because the audience may have seen films that have been produced by these production companies before and enjoyed watching their productions.

Our secondary audience will be people who are not particularly interested in the film itself but who are going to watch the film for different reasons other than personal interest. For example, they may be going to watch the film due to friends or family who are interested in it and are inviting them to go to watch it with them. It may because they are interested in the director or the actors who star in it. For example, they may have seen the actors’ films before in other genres and like their work. I.e. Will Smith. He starred in ‘iRobot’ which was of the science fiction genre however he also starred in ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ which is the complete opposite. This may be similar to our film as they may have seen actors perform somewhere else and may be a fan of their work. Another reason the secondary audience may go to watch this film is because of certain film timings. For example, they may plan to go to the cinema at a certain time only to find that when they arrive there their chosen film isn’t available to be viewed at that time. They may therefore see the advertisement for our film and choose to go and watch that instead. Females will be amongst the secondary audience for many reasons. Two reasons being they may be girlfriends and their boyfriends are interested in watching the films. Also, females may be interested in the domestic violence/pregnancy side of things therefore may choose to watch it for that reason. The film is likely to be rated a certificate 15 as there is slight violence, no explicit words and no sexual scenes. Therefore it should be appropriate to watch from the age of 15. We made sure this would be the certified age as we want as many people to be open to watching the film as possible.

We chose to target this type of audience as we thought they would be best suited to watch this film. Mainly because their profile would be similar to our main character Nicholas therefore they may be able to relate to him and understand the narrative from his point of view. Also, even if their profiles do not fit the profiles of our targeted audience they may still be interested in films like ours and films similar to this. Some films they may have seen in the past six months may have been ‘Salt’ as the genre is similar to ours.


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